Monday, August 15, 2011

A Most Triumphant Return


It is with the most glorious of joys that I announce my triumphant return to this column. The reactionary cohorts of the current regime sought to stifle our cries for revolution by jailing its most humble spokesman.

What fools! Their feeble minded repression could never extinguish the eternal flame of revolution. Au contraire! Nine months of hard labor provided the very oxygen necessary to feed the fire burning in my revolutionary heart of hearts. Yes, rather than crush the spirits of the gallant revolutionary, my time in the labor camps only strengthened our convictions. Therefore, dear reader, I advise you to await with bated breath for the next dispatch, in which I shall describe the horrors of prison, and the gallantry with which we, the dashing revolutionaries, overcame our travails.

So comrades, once more into the breach! Let us return to our revolution, and carry forth the torch of radical absurdism once more.

Your eternal brother in revolution,
Comrade Ostropol

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